Thesis defense Vincent L'Allinec
Le 10 janvier 2024Amphi DEfalse false
Title of the thesis : Development of a Quantitative Tool for Bifurcation Analysis in Understanding the Pathophysiology of Intracranial Aneurysms
Team III - Vascular & Pulmonary Diseases
Directrice de thèse
Gervaise LoirandCo-directeurs
Romain Bourcier
Hubert Desal
Myriam Edjlali , PUPH, service de radiologie, Hôpitaux Raymond-Poincaré & Ambroise Paré, GH Université Paris-Saclay
Aymeric Rouchaud, PU PH, CHU de Limoges, service de neuroradiologie
Michel Dojat , Directeur de recherche, Inserm - U1216 -UGA, GrenobleHenri-Dominique Fournier, PU PH, service de neurochirurgie, CHU d’Angers
Jean-Pierre Pruvo , PU PH, service de neuroradiologie de Lille, Chu de Lille
Intracranial aneurysms (IAs), an acquired pathology, are characterized by a herniation of the arterial wall, particularly in the vicinity of arterial bifurcations at the base of the skull (Willis polygon). The pathophysiology of this condition is currently not fully understood. At the Thorax Institute, the GAIA project has enabled the recruitment of familial cases of IAs and the conduct of biological and genetic analyses, notably revealing mutations in the ANGPTL6 gene predisposing to the risk of IAs. Within Team III, we initially created and studied a murine Knock-in model for the ANGPTL6 gene. After identifying arterial anomalies, we continued our work by developing a semi-automatic tool for analyzing arterial bifurcations. The use of this tool allowed us to conduct a preliminary clinical study focused on growing or de novo aneurysms and their bifurcations. Through the development and refinement of the algorithm, we will be able to address numerous pending questions, particularly by examining the peri-aneurysmal geometric factors involved in the development and rupture of IAs |