Title of the thesis : A genetic approach to ‘extreme' forms of intracranial aneurysm
Team I - Human Genetics
Jean-Jacques SCHOTT, PhD - Richard REDON, PhD
Presented by the French Society of Cardiology with the support of the Fondation de France, this prize was awarded to Romain Capoulade for his work: "Degeneration of aortic valve prostheses: the central role of lipids’.
Title of the thesis : Functional study of genetic variants in the hypoxia pathway associated with the development of polycythemia or tumours
Etude des voies de signalisations cellulaires impliquées dans la migration et la prolifération cellulaire par analyses transcriptomiques et spatiales des différentes populations cellulaires identifiées dans les artères temporales au diagnostic d’artérite à cellules géantes
Job and internship
All PhD theses offer
Internship Master 2 : InnoCARE
Stage Master 1, Master 2 bio-informatique - Team IV & I : Cardiometabolic diseases & Human Genetics
Stage Licence 3, Master 1, Master 2/Engineer - Team I : Human Genetics
Stage Licence 3, Master 1, Master 2/Engineer - Team I : Human Genetics
Stage Licence 3, Master 1, Master 2/Engineer - Team I : Human Genetics
Stage Licence 3, Master 1, Master 2/Engineer - Team I : Human Genetics