Title of the thesis : Pharmacological inhibition of DHODH alters carbon flux through glutamine-dependent pathways.
Team IV - Cardiometabolic diseases
Bertrand CARIOU, MD, PhD - Cédric LE MAY, PhD
Title of the thesis : Role of Acyl-CoA synthetase family member 3 (ACSF3) in daily hepatic metabolism.
Title of the thesis : Metabolic and functionnal consequences of total, hepatocyte or intestinal LDL receptor deficiency in mice
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PI : Jean-Jacques SCHOTT
Job and internship
Internship Master 2 : InnoCARE
All PhD theses offer
Stage Licence 3, Master 1, Master 2/Engineer - Team IV : Cardiometabolic diseases
Stage Master 1, Master 2 bio-informatique - Team IV & I : Cardiometabolic diseases & Human Genetics