Soutenance de thèse Eleonore Dijoux
  • Le 08 juillet 2022
    Amphi Denis Escande
    false false
  • 10 h

Titre de la thèse : Sensitization route influence in allergic asthma physiopathology


Team III - Vascular & Pulmonary Diseases

Directeur de thèse

Grégory Bouchaud


Gervaise Loirand


Pr Philippe Bonniaud / PU-PH/ CHU de Dijon, Service de pneumologie et soins intensifs respiratoires, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Pr Cécile Chenivesse Cécile  / PU-PH/ CHU de Lille, Clinique de Pneumologie - Centre de compétences Maladies pulmonaires rares


Dr DESCAMPS Delphyne  / CR/ INRAE, Université Paris-Saclay, Jouy-en-Josas, Vaccins Immunopathologie Immunomodulation (V2I)
Pr ROQUILLY Antoine  / PU-PH/ CHU de Nantes, UMR_S 1064, Urgence Soins Critiques Anesthésies Réanimation Médecine Interne Médecines Infectieuses
Dr ANNESI MAESANO Isabella  / DR / Université de Montpellier, UMR INSERM UA11 Institut Desbrest d’Epidemiologie et de Santé Publique (IDESP)           


MAGNAN Antoine/ PU-PH/ INRAE, Université Paris-Saclay, Jouy-en-Josas et Hôpital Foch, Suresnes, Vaccins Immunopathologie Immunomodulation (V2I)  et Service de Pneumologie


Asthma is the fourth largest chronic disease in the world and affects more than 300 million patients in the world. It is a complex pathology, characterized by an important variety of phenotypes, including allergic asthma, for which more than 70% of patients exacerbate because of house dust mite. In allergic asthma, there are other levels of diversity such as endotype and impairment of respiratory function. These levels of diversity complicate the implementation of an effective therapeutic strategy. The allergic response is divided into two phases: sensitization and reaction. Sensitization is an asymptomatic phase. This is the stage of allergy initiation where the immune system will inhibit its tolerating actors to promote those of inflammation specifically directed against the allergen.  During a subsequent encounter with the allergen, an inflammatory response will be triggered leading to a symptomatic allergic reaction. Awareness comes at the level of our biological barriers, which are harmed either by a genetic cause or by the aggression of the allergen or by environmental factors. We studied the impact of sensitization in the pathophysiology of allergic asthma using three of our most exposed physiological barriers: respiratory, digestive and skin barriers.  We have shown that we can induce different asthma phenotypes according to the route of sensitization.

Mis à jour le 19 avril 2023.