Soazig Le Lay

Personnel de l'université

Soazig LE LAY


Thèmes de recherche

The primary objective of my research group EV-Link is to delineate the role and improve the knowledge about extracellular vesicles (EVs) in obesity-associated metabolic complications (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis/NASH), which occurrence dramatically increased over the past few years. Based on a solid background and knowledge in lipid trafficking and adipocyte cellular biology acquired during my international scientific career, I develop original and innovative approaches to better characterize EV molecular composition and to investigate their metabolic impact on molecular and cellular mechanisms on the overall glucose and lipid metabolism. As EVs recently appeared as powerful tools which can be used as diseases biomarkers and therapeutic vectors in clinics, my research theme takes part of this emerging field by developing a translational research to better understand the EV interplay with cardiometabolic complications.
Main objectives :
Taking advantage of clinical cohorts gathering patients suffering from obesity-related metabolic complications as well as pertinent preclinical and cellular models, we currently investigate:
  • The potential of EVs to serve as biomarkers of the patient metabolic state,
  • Therapeutic strategies using EVs to prevent and treat cardiometabolic complications,
  • The role of EVs as mediators in the onset of cardiometabolic diseases.
    Further information regarding our research program can be found at : EV-Link

 Main research fundings

  • Fondation Française de Recherche sur le Diabète (FFRD)
  • Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD)
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, French National Research Agency)
  • Région Pays de la Loire
  • Fondation Genavie
  • Fédération Hospitalo-Universitaire, FHU GO-NASH

Activités / CV

Professional experiences

From 2020, l’institut du thorax, INSERM UMR1087/CNRS UMR 6291, Team IV.
EV-Link : Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) and intercellular communication in metabolic diseases
> Research activity located in Angers.

2012-2020, INSERM U1063, Angers, France.
"Adipocytes and characterization of EV secretion"

2006-2012, INSERM U872, Team 8, Paris.
"Role of caveolin proteins in lipid droplet expansion"

2003-2006 : Max Planck Institute of Cellular Biology and Genetics, K. Simons Lab, Dresden, Germany.
"Lipid microdomains (so-called lipid rafts) and adipocytes"

2000-2003 : PhD, INSERM U671, Paris, France.
Role of SREBPs transcription factors in adipocyte metabolism

University degrees and qualifications

2023 : Promoted Tenure Senior Research Director (DR2) at INSERM
2012 : HDR, Université Paris Descartes - Paris V, Paris, France
2010 : Promoted Tenure researcher (CR1) at INSERM
2007 : Tenure researcher (CR2) at INSERM
2003-2006: Post-doctoral Fellow at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany
2003 : PhD in Physiology, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI,  Paris, France
1999: Animal Experimentation (Level conceptor I), Université Toulouse III, Toulouse, France
1996-1999 : IUP Bioengineering, Université Paul-Sabatier , Toulouse, France

Informations complémentaires

ORCID : 0000-0003-2456-2422
Researcher ID : N-6862-2018

Mis à jour le 19 février 2025.