Team II - Members


Flavien CHARPENTIER  PhD, Research Director, Inserm

F. Charpentier is an expert in cardiac electrophysiology from the cellular level to the whole animal, and is mainly interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms of inherited cardiac arrhythmic syndromes. He was awarded his PhD from the University of Nantes in 1991. He was recruited by Inserm and joined the laboratory of l'institut du thorax in 1996 after a postdotoral position at Columbia University (New York, USA).
He has contributed to 74 publications (h index = 28). He has coordinated four state-funded grants, including to from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), seven grants from French national foundations, and also participate as team leader in a European Union network and two ANR grants.
He has been a member of evaluation committees for the ANR, Inserm-DGOS and Swiss National research Council, and of the scientific councils of two french foundations. He is on the editorial board of three journals.


Michel DE WAARD  PhD, Research Director, Inserm

M. De Waard is an expert on ion channels and in pharmacology. He obtained a PhD on the electrophysiological analysis of calcium currents from cerebellar granule cells (1991, University
Aix-Marseille II, FR) followed by a four-year Postdoctoral internship on calcium channel biochemistry, functional reconstitution and recombinant expression (1992-1996, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Dpt. of Physiology, University of Iowa, USA).
Previously, laboratory director during 5 years at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique and team leader during 9 years at the Neuroscience Institute in Grenoble, he joined l’institut du thorax in 2016.
He has authored or co-authored more than 230 articles in peer-reviewed journals (h index = 44). He is a recipient of several Regional and State grants and Foundations.
He received Servier Young Investigator Award (1995), winner of the OSEO emergence prize for launching the biotech company Smartox, laureate of the most innovative company for the Rotary Club and the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Grenoble.
Mis à jour le 31 janvier 2025.