NEUROVASC, PEPR Digital Health: Richard REDON (2023-2027)

Richard Redon is the scientific leader of this PEPR project : A 5P medicine program to reduce the global impact of intracranial aneurysm and stroke.

The ambition of NEUROVASC is to set up an optimal digital ecosystem to develop predictive tools/models for 5P medicine (personalized, predictive, preventive, participatory, populational) against ICA and stroke outcome, relying mostly on the distinctive resources developed by the French clinical network in neuroradiology (clinical, imaging and genetics data).

Our work program will be organized around 3 main developments: a model of interoperable infrastructure between research and healthcare, interoperable datasets and predictive models for ICA diagnosis and outcomes, and proof-of-concept studies with digital companions, mobile applications and digital monitoring.

The knowledge gained from the exploitation of the data made available by this project will translate into better patient care both in the pre-hospital stage with the identification of at-risk individuals of ICA rupture and in the post-hospital stage with the development of novel and personalized rehabilitation care pathways to improve patient recovery and quality of life.

Project website


Mis à jour le 27 novembre 2024.