Connect Talent - Romain Capoulade (2018-2023)

Romain Capoulade is the scientific leader of the Connect Talent project : Advanced Multimodality Imaging Program and Translational Research in Chronic Cardiovascular Diseases.


The cornerstone of genetic investigations is the precise phenotypic characterization. Emergence of a new research axis focused on the development of bio-imaging core facility and expertise in image analysis will provide support to the research programs of the team, as well as offer the opportunity to develop new translational and innovative projects.


The main purpose of the research chair on advanced multimodality imaging implemented at l'institut du thorax by Romain Capoulade is to offer in-house full expertise on analyses and interpretations of imaging data to study chronic cardiovascular diseases, with a focus on projects related to cardiac valvular heart diseases. This research chair is also designed to support the emergence of new and innovative projects, from genetics, cellular and animal models to human-based studies, covering the entire spectrum of chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Mis à jour le 07 février 2024.