Cardiac arrhythmia
Julien Barc, Jean-Jacques Schott and Vincent Probst
Post-doc : Keiko ShimamotoPhD Students : Marion Gaudin, Léa Ruffier
Support staff: Estelle Baron, Virginie Forest, Camille Maïano, Floriane Simonet, Aurélie Thollet
The primary objective of our group is to improve healthcare by combining basic research and clinical activity into translational research programs. Taking advantage of large pedigrees and one of the largest worldwide cohorts of patients suffering from inherited cardiac electrical disorders (Brugada syndrome, the long and short QT syndrome, the catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, conduction defects, sinus dysfunction, idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy) we apply multi-omics screening strategies to establish clinical and genetic risk stratification for developing cardiac arrhythmia and prevent sudden cardiac death (SCD). The identification of new clinical and molecular markers from these ‘sensitized’ models of SCD are likely relevant to the broad problem of SCD.
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Learn more about our projects :
- EIC Pathfinder NaV1.5-CARED : Julien Barc (2023-2028)
- ANR HEARST : Vincent Probst (2023-2027)
- ANR LEARN : Julien Barc ( 2021-2024)
- GAINES : Jean Jacques Schott (2021-2025)
Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies novel Brugada Syndrome susceptibility loci and highlights a new mechanism of sodium channel regulation in disease susceptibility. Barc J*, Tadros R*, Glinge C*, Chiang DY*, Jouni M*, Simonet F*, [...], The International Brugada Syndrome Genetics Consortium, [...], Tanck MW, George AL Jr., MacRae CA, Burridge PW, Dina C, Probst V*, Wilde AA*, Schott JJ*, Redon R*, Bezzina CR*. Nat Genet (accepted)
Progressive Atrial Conduction Defects Associated With Bone Malformation Caused by a Connexin-45 Mutation. Seki* A, Ishikawa* T, Daumy* X, Mishima H, Barc J, Sasaki R, Nishii K, Saito K, Urano M, Ohno S, Otsuki S, Kimoto H, Baruteau A-E, Thollet A, Fouchard S, Bonnaud S, Parent P, Shibata Y, Perrin J-P, Le Marec H, Hagiwara N, Mercier S, Horie M, Probst V, Yoshiura* K-I, Redon* R, Schott* J-J, Makita* N. J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;70:358–370.
Familial Catecholamine-Induced QT Prolongation in Unexplained Sudden Cardiac Death. Huchet* F, Kyndt* F, Barc* J, Thollet A, Charpentier F, Redon R, Schott JJ, le Marec H, Probst V, Gourraud JB. J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:1642–1643.
Common variants at SCN5A-SCN10A and HEY2 are associated with Brugada syndrome, a rare disease with high risk of sudden cardiac death. Bezzina CR*, Barc J*, Mizusawa Y*, Remme CA*, Gourraud J-B*, Simonet F, [...], Wilde AA*, Probst V*, Schott JJ*, Dina C*, Redon R*. Nat Genet 2013;45:1044–1049.
- Agence Nationale de la Recherche
- Académie des sciences/ Institut de France
- Horizon Europe
- Région Pays de la Loire