ANR OriginSVD - Romain Capoulade (2023-2026)

Romain Capoulade is the scientific leader of the ANR project : Origin of Structural Biological Valve Prosthesis Deterioration: Role of Lipid-Mediated Factors.

Abstract :

With the population aging, the number of calcific aortic valve stenosis, the most frequent valvular heart disease, is expected to double in the next 20 years. So far, no pharmacological treatment is available, the only option is to perform an aortic valve replacement (AVR). A shift toward the use of biological instead of mechanical prosthetic valve is in progress. Their main limitation is the durability, with a structural valve deterioration (SVD) described as a progressive process starting early post-implantation. To date, little is known on the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms and no preventable actions or pharmacological targets have been identified. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that implanted bioprosthetic valves face the same environment as the native valves prone to exacerbate biological tissue degeneration, suggesting similar mechanisms are at work.

With OriginSVD, I will to bridge the gap between the observable deterioration of biological valves and the underlying targetable or modifiable mechanisms, with a specific focus on the role of lipid-mediated factors.


the aim of this project is to dissect the specific role of hypercholesterolemia on the development of SVD. Understanding how biological prosthetic valve deteriorates early post-surgery, is the cornerstone to develop preventable and/or pharmacological approaches.

Mis à jour le 18 juin 2024.