ANR JCJC WECAN & Chair ‘Talent’ by NExT: Romain Bourcier (2021-2025)

Romain Bourcier is the scientific leader of this ANR-funded project : Genotype/phenotype correlations to alloW rupturE risk stratification of intraCranial Aneurysm.

Based on the ICAN Biobank (REF), WECAN aims to improve risk prediction for IA rupture.

First, we will use image processing tools to automatically characterize cerebral vascular morphology and provide an objective description of IA.

Second, we will perform systematic genetic screening of the ICAN collection using exome sequencing and SNP genotyping.

Third, by applying machine learning to quantitative features extracted from imaging combined with clinical and genetic information, we will build a predictive model of IA sub-phenotypes and risk of rupture. 

Such a precision medicine tool will be instrumental in improving the clinical management of the increasing number of patients diagnosed with IA each year.
Mis à jour le 28 février 2024.