Academic staff
Professeure des Universités/biologie cellulaire - Praticien Hospitalier/pneumologieCoordonnées
l'institut du thorax - Inserm UMR1087/CNRS UMR6291 IRS-UN, 8 quai Moncousu, BP 70721, 44007 Nantes cedex 1, France
- Tél
- 0228080133 (n° interne : 320133)
- Patricia.Lemarchand@univ-nantes.fr
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Thèmes de recherche
Gene and cell therapy, cellular models of cardiovascular disease using iPSCs.
Activités / CV
Patricia Lemarchand obtained her MD and PhD degrees and became qualified specialist in pulmonology in 1988. She was then postdoctoral fellow at the NIH (Pulmonary Branch, NHLBI) where she developed gene therapy for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Back from the USA, convinced that translational research will be the main route for developing biomedical research, she joined Nantes in 2002 to create together with Denis Escande and Herve Le Marec l'institut du thorax, a large academic structure (800 members) that gathers physicians and scientists towards the common objective of developing biomedical knowledge.
Patricia Lemarchand has long been recognized and awarded for her work on respiratory and cardiovascular gene and cell therapy. She pioneered cardiovascular and respiratory gene therapy. She developed several approaches using adenovirus vectors. Her research is currently based on translational research, from human stem-cell biology to cell therapy clinical trials, including rodent and large animal models of respiratory gene and cell therapy.
Through her role as gender equality referee for the health department at the University of Nantes, she recently began to explore male/female differences in biology and health. She initially coordinated a multidisciplinary book focused on the question 'What is a woman?' and has recently turned her attention to the male/female bicategorization in respiratory function measurement, as well as the impact of sex and gender in lung transplantation (ERJ Open, in press). She now teaches men/women differences in biology and health and the impact of sex/gender in several medical schools.
Informations complémentaires
Main recent publications :
Lemarchand P, Schwarz J, Clair C, Pape M. “Biologie et médecine (au-delà d’une conception biologique du sexe en santé) / Biology and medicine (beyond a biological concept of sex in health)”. Dictionnaire du genre en traduction / Dictionary of Gender in Translation / Diccionario del género en traducción. ISSN: 2967-3623. https://worldgender.cnrs.fr/en/entries/biology-and-medicine/
Tissot A, Coatanea AS, Rousseau O, Roux A, Coiffard B, Demant X, Renaud-Picard B, Le Pavec J, Magnan A, Mornex JF, Villeneuve T, Falque L, Messika J, Boussaud V, Knoop C, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Kessler R, Dauriat G, Foureau A, Blanc FX, Karakachoff M, Lemarchand P and the COLT consortium. Increased delay to lung transplantation for women candidates: gender-based disparity matters in the lung transplant trajectory. ERJ Open Research 2025 00623-2024. https://doi.org/10.1183/23120541.00623-2024
Lemarchand P, Hassoun D, Kuntz P. Questioning the relevance of sex categories implemented in medical decision support systems - The example of pulmonary function. ESSACHESS-Journal for Communication Studies 2024; 17 (1(33). https://doi.org/10.21409/8253-X893
Lemarchand Patricia, « La catégorie homme/femme à l’épreuve de la recherche biomédicale », dans : Patricia Lemarchand éd., Qu'est-ce qu'une femme ? Catégories homme/femme : débats contemporains. Paris, Éditions Matériologiques, « Essais », 2023, p. 23-67. DOI : 10.3917/edmat.lemar.2023.01.0025.
Lemarchand Patricia, Salle Muriel, « Introduction. Qu’est-ce qu’une femme ? Question singulière, enjeux pluriels », dans : Patricia Lemarchand éd., Qu'est-ce qu'une femme ? Catégories homme/femme : débats contemporains. Paris, Éditions Matériologiques, « Essais », 2023, p. 3-15. DOI : 10.3917/edmat.lemar.2023.01.0005. https://shs.cairn.info/qu-est-ce-qu-une-femme--9782373614084-page-3?lang=fr
Canac R, Cimarosti B, Girardeau A, Forest V, Olchesqui P, Poschmann PJ, Redon J, Lemarchand P, Gaborit N, Lamirault G. Deciphering transcriptional networks during human cardiac development. Cells 2022; 11:3915.
Benkalfate N, Eschapasse E, Georges T, Leblanc C, Dirou S, Melscoet L, Chéné A-L, Horeau-Langlard D, Bry C, Chambellan A, Nicolas A, Defrance C, Liberge R, Karakachoff M, Hardouin JB, Blanc FX, Lemarchand P. Evaluation of the Post COVID-19 Functional Status (PCFS) scale in a cohort of patients recovering from hypoxemic SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2022; 9:e001136.
Al Sayed ZR, Jouni M, Gourraud JB, Nadjet Belbachir N, Barc J, Girardeau A, Forest F, Derevier A, Gaignerie A, Chariau C, Cimarosti B, Canac B, Olchesqui P, Charpentier E, Schott JJ, Redon R, Isabelle Baró I, Probst V, Charpentier F, Loussouarn G, Zibara K, Lamirault G, Lemarchand P*, Gaborit N*. A consistent arrhythmogenic trait in Brugada syndrome cellular phenotype. Clinical and Translational Medicine 2021;11(6):e413. *co-auteures correspondantes.
Al Sayed ZR, Canac R, Cimarosti B, Bonnard C, Hamamy H, Kayserili H, Girardeau A, Jouni M, Jacob N, Gaignerie A, Chariau C, David L, Forest V, Marionneau C, Loussouarn G, Lamirault G, Reversade B, Zibara K, Lemarchand P*, Gaborit N*. Human model of IRX5 mutations reveals key role for this transcription factor in ventricular conduction. Cardiovascular Research 2021; 117:2092-2107. *co-auteures correspondantes.
Dirou S, Chambellan A, Chevallier P, Germaud P, Lamirault G, Gourraud PA, Perrot B, Delasalle B, Forestier B, Guillaume T, Peterlin P, Garnier A, Magnan A, Blanc FX, Lemarchand P. Deconditioning, fatigue and impaired quality of life in long-term survivors after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2018; 53: 281-290.
Braza F, Dirou S, Forest V, Sauzeau V, Hassoun D, Chesné J, Cheminant-Muller M-A, Sagan C, Magnan A, Lemarchand P. Mesenchymal stem cells induce suppressive macrophages through phagocytosis in a mouse model of asthma. Stem Cells 2016; 209:258-265.
Jouni M, (…) Lemarchand P, Gaborit N. Towards Personalized Medicine: Using cardiomyocytes differentiated from urine-derived pluripotent stem cells to recapitulate electrophysiological characteristics of LQT2 syndrome. J Am Heart Assoc 2015;4:e002159.
Gyongyosi M, Wojakowski W, Lemarchand P, et al. Meta-Analysis of Cell-basedCaRdiac stUdiEs (ACCRUE) in patients with acute myocardial infarction based on individual patient data. Circ Res 2015 16(8):1346-60. Best manuscript award 2015.
Roncalli J, (…) Lemarchand P. Intracoronary autologous mononucleated bone marrow cell infusion for acute myocardial infarction: results of the randomized multicenter BONAMI Trial. Eur Heart J 2011; 32(14): 1748-1757.