G. Loirand - Grand Prix Lamonica de Cardiologie 2021
Le 23 novembre 2021false false
The "Prix Lamonica de Cardiologie" / Foundation for Biomedical Research PCL 2021 is awarded to Gervaise Loirand
The "Prix Lamonica de Cardiologie" / Foundation for Biomedical Research PCL 2021 is awarded to Gervaise Loirand, Inserm Research Director, in team III of l'institut du thorax.
Gervaise Loirand has devoted her research to understanding the molecular mechanisms that control the structure and function of the arterial wall and their pathological dysregulations. In the early 1990s, she carried out work on signaling pathways in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). She conducted her research first in Bordeaux, then in Nantes in the team she created at l'institut du thorax. She was the first to demonstrate the entry of calcium through T-type calcium channels. Since the end of the 90s, she has launched an original research program on the role of the small G proteins of the RhoA family in VSMCs. and in high blood pressure. In recent years, she has developed a very original new line of research focusing on intracranial aneurysms, the development and rupture of which are favored by high blood pressure.
L'Académie des Sciences paid tribute to her on the occasion of the award ceremony under the Cupola of the Institut de France, on November 23, 2021.
Gervaise Loirand has devoted her research to understanding the molecular mechanisms that control the structure and function of the arterial wall and their pathological dysregulations. In the early 1990s, she carried out work on signaling pathways in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). She conducted her research first in Bordeaux, then in Nantes in the team she created at l'institut du thorax. She was the first to demonstrate the entry of calcium through T-type calcium channels. Since the end of the 90s, she has launched an original research program on the role of the small G proteins of the RhoA family in VSMCs. and in high blood pressure. In recent years, she has developed a very original new line of research focusing on intracranial aneurysms, the development and rupture of which are favored by high blood pressure.
L'Académie des Sciences paid tribute to her on the occasion of the award ceremony under the Cupola of the Institut de France, on November 23, 2021.
Mis à jour le 28 novembre 2021.