Jérémy Bellien, ENVI - U1096, Rouen
Le 14 mars 2025Amphi DEfalse false
Role of the endothelium in the development of cardiovascular calcification: a focus on soluble epoxide hydrolase
Role of the endothelium in the development of cardiovascular calcification: a focus on soluble epoxide hydrolase
Jérémy Bellien, Professor
ENVI – Endothélium, valvulopathies et insuffisance cardiaque – UMR Inserm 1096 director,
Axis 1 leader "New approaches for endothelial protection"
Rouen, France
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Following his pharmaceutical and scientific studies, Prof. Jérémy Bellien worked at both clinical and fundamental levels on the physiological mechanisms involved in regulating endothelial function and their evolution in pathology, leading to the discovery of new pharmacological targets of interest in the management of cardiovascular diseases. The development and evaluation of the effects of new treatments directed at these targets are currently underway in the EnVI laboratory, which he took over as director in 2022, and in clinical trials in the Clinical Pharmacology Unit and the CIC-CRB 1404 at Rouen University Hospital, which he co-ordinates.