Denis Ptchelkine, Aix Marseille University, Marseille
  • Le 04 avril 2025
    Amphi DE
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  • 11h30

New transmission cryo-electron microscope at AFMB, Marseille

New transmission cryo-electron microscope at AFMB, Marseille

Denis Ptchelkine, PhD
Head of electron microscopy facility, Marseille integrative structural biology facility

Laboratory "Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques" (AFMB),
CNRS UMR7257, Aix-Marseille Université


Recent technological advances in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) led to the development of new high performance electron microscopes. Modern transmission electron microscopes (TEM) become more and more available to scientific community and have already found multiple applications in all branches of research in life sciences and more specifically in immunology. High resolution single particle electron microscopy (SPA) allows to study proteins and complexes structures at atomic level. Cryo-electron tomography makes possible the imaging of large macromolecular assemblies in their native environment in cells (in situ). Cryo-EM can address a wide range of biological questions such as molecular basis of immune response, mechanisms of enzymatic reactions, identify key determinants of receptor-ligand recognition and structural aspects of ion channels function. Valuable information gathered from the solved structures serve as guidance to scientists and help to elaborate new and improve existing therapeutic molecules to treat heart malfunction.

AFMB has recently received its new 200kV TEM on its site at the Luminy campus in Marseille. The microscope has the most modern configuration and is equipped with X-FEG electron gun, autoloader (12 grids), an energy filter and a last generation fast camera. This very high-tech equipment is used for efficient cryo-EM grids screening, high resolution data collection in SPA mode and tilt series acquisition (cryo tomography) on thin lamella (100-200nm thickness). We also offer training program for students and scientists who wish to develop their skills in electron microscopy. Teams from Institut de Thorax are welcome to use high resolution TEM that will help them to develop projects in which cryo-EM analysis will be essential. We invite all scientists from Institut de thorax who wish to consider this type of work in future to get in touch already now with the EM platform manager at AFMB (Dr Denis Ptchelkine) to discuss projects to better prepare imaging sessions on the new TEM.


Ph.D in crystallography at EMBL, Grenoble, followed by 5 years postdoc at Research Complex at Harwell UK and then head of EM development at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine at University of Oxford (UK). I gained experience in CryoEM at strubi University of Oxford working with Prof. Juha Huiskonnen on the structure of thermophilic archael virus in collaboration with Mart Krupovic and David Prangishvilli from Insitut Pasteur. Then moved back to France, AFMB Marseille in 2020 where I was appointed as head of EM facility. Permanent staff CNRS since 1 dec 2023.

Mis à jour le 06 mars 2025.